Study VS Running Man???

Hai Miss Blogger....

what a tiring day??..penatnya seharian kat kuliah....hehehe...yeker??..yup,start kul 10 pagi then habis kul 5 petang...hari nie the best class goes to Puan Ummul Khairah session...huhu...class Control System is the best...believe or not...the answer is same...huwawawawa!!!...

okay...hari nie class ada 2 je sebenarnya...class Electronic Industry and Control System...class Automation xda sebab we all kena prepare for the final project kitaorg...yup,ingat lagi kan ngn salah satu entry bulan nie...Heat Detection Robot...huhu...dah jumpa,aku kena struggle utk siapkan PCB circuit yang kena print then nak etching sebelum proses pematerian and pengujian produk...utk prototype aku dah siapkan kereta mainan...nak wat robot guna polistrene tue...hahahhaha!!!!!...amboi,excited nampak??...xdelaa,aku nak project kali nie berjalan dgn lancar...huhu...InsyaAllah....hope so...

Ehhh...dah larik dari tajuk nie...running man...the best korean variety show...high rating in the world...contain seven member...Jae Suk oppa...SukJin oppa...Haroro...Gwang Soo...Ace Jihyo...KooKie...Gary Ssi...all of them is the best running man ever...everytime watching that variety show,aku rasa macam nak mati je gelak...hahahahha!!!...dgn gelagat funny gwang soo ngan suk jin oppa...hehehhe....seriesly,aku minat giler...Running Man Saranghamida!!!!!!!....

Jong Ki....ohhhhh,flower boy kat running man...he's so handsome...seriesly...hehehe...gatal nampak???..haiiii,jelous??...hehehehe....okay laa...aku tak da nak cakap banyak sangat...sbb esok ada dua test sedang menanti...test utk subject Engineering Management ngan Proses Pembuatan Elektronik...well,need a good preparation...nie je test terakhir nak score carry mark...sbb hari tue aku dah score 10% for each subject....wish me good luck!!!!

till then Miss Blogger...ohhh,by the way,aku dah deactivate facebook aku...alasan munasabah sbb rasa macam buang masa...dan tak berbaloi...okay,bye~~~~~

p/s:esok dapat BB1M....yahooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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